Another one of my favourites:
"l'd like to be a teabag,
And stay at home all day -
And talk to other teabags
In a teabag sort of way . . .
l'd love to be a teabag;
And lie in a little box -
And never have to wash my face
Or change my dirty socks . . .
l'd like to be a teabag,
An Earl Grey one perhaps,
And doze all day and lie around
With Earl Grey kind of chaps.
l wouldn't have to do a thing,
No homework, jobs or chores -
Comfy in my caddy
Of teabags and their snores.
l wouldn't have to do exams
l needn't tidy rooms,
Or sweep the floor or feed the cat
Or wash up all the spoons.
l wouldn't have to do a thing,
A life of bliss - you see . . .
Except that once in all my life
I`d make a cup of tea!"
Peter Dixon
Thanks for posting this. I loved this poem when I was little, never knew who wrote it or where I could find it!