Thursday, June 23, 2011


I could scream it from the rooftops, from the street corners and from the bottom of the swimming pool: I PASSED PYC1502!!! I passed! I passed!!!!! YAY!!! DOUBLE YAY!!!!! Oh the relief when you're so sure that it's gonna bite you and you're never ever going to get your degree because you'll just keep failing your one first year subject and then you pass! With above 60 which was so essential!! Oh yay!! I am so relieved!!! PHEW!!! Oh, PYC1502 is the Psychology subject that I was stressing so much about.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging or being boastful (maybe if I got like 90% I would :) ), I'm just so relieved and felt the need to share my immense relief! PHEWness!

Maybe I should do the other two modules similar to this one as soon as possible and get them over with too!

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