Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Life lessons, interesting chats and ridiculous concerns

I think about a lot a lot. It helps to write it down so that I can either find the answer or to stop thinking about it. I hate obsessing over rubbish but I often don't remember what I was obsessing about when I'm ready to write it down until I have nowhere to write it down and then I remember. So, this post could change over time.

Concerns - What if I get so freaked out walking down the aisle with everyone staring at me that I vomit? Worse yet, what if I vomit on someone? Even worse, what if I vomit on someone importantly important? Ja, I know, so silly. No doubt about whether or not I'm marrying the right person (I know I am marrying the right person), it's all about vomiting. Lovely.

Life lesson - Pigs battle to climb up and down stairs as their trotters are like high heels and so if they need to pee, they may go on the stairs. This does not mean that women, or anyone wearing heels for that matter, should ever pee on the stairs.

Interesting chats - Someone I know mailed me yesterday to say how happy he is to have remembered who he is. I suppose we all forget sometimes. Some because they got lost in the humdrum of everyday life and some because they took drugs and took the wrong train and got hit on the head.

Concern - What if I suck more doing "the sprinkler" than Al would doing Salsa? I'm not very good with my elbows, they haven't been used in many of my dance moves.

Life lesson - Eating a secret stash of sweeties where you keep your scissors is going to get you caught when other people ask to borrow them and then kindly just put them back once they're done.

Interesting chats - I had a chat to someone recently about positive self-reinforcement. They need a CD where someone tells them how awesome they are. Applicants with a deeper female voice are preferable. This could be a fun CD to make and I would but my voice is high pitched and squeaky.

Concern - What if person sitting over there never actually goes on the date with person sitting over there there? He is rather peculiar and she is rather sensitive which may not be the best combo but he's said something now so...

Life lesson - Don't leave a pig and the domestic worker alone together when the pig is on heat. The pig will chase the domestic worker all over the garden while she runs screaming in terror.

Interesting chats - O.k, well, more stuff I read about. I love to read about stuff and then tell people about it. Nobody actually listens but I tell them anyway. So I read stuff about how people's bodies synthesize alcohol and about what happens when your fiance becomes a Dutch citizen before you get married and tutorials on taking photos with a decent camera and about how people complain about UNISA's modules.

Life lessons - Mosquitoes are attracted to feet. If there is a colony of mosquitoes living in your sock drawer, you need to question whether or not your socks are actually being washed or just shoved back in.

Interesting chats - I had a chat with someone about lucid dreaming and certain theories that it is possible to manipulate your dreams while in this state. Very interesting but a bit "out there". It turned out that neither of us know enough to really explore the topic and so we gave up fumbling around in the dark together.

Life lessons - People are scared of pigs. I'm scared someone will eat the piggy if we give it to the wrong person.

Interesting chats - After telling everyone that we are having a naked wedding (not really), our MC mailed me and was all for it and asked if he could assess the guests beforehand in lingerie. I agreed. So far, nobody has offered any pics. Strange that ;) What's even more strange is that nobody has even objected to attending a wedding in the buff! A little worrying actually...

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