Monday, August 17, 2009

One of the almost-worst movies ever!

"Across the universe" is a bad movie. When I say it's bad, I mean, it's REALLY bad. In fact, it's so bad that I would not recommend you watch it unless you have been drinking and have taken too many flu capsules and have someone sitting in the way of the screen and you fall asleep about a minute into it. Only then does it have potential.

For those who think "Oh I wish I could've been alive in the 60's and done all that crazy hippy stuff", um, no, you don't.

No amount of coffee or chips or grapefruit juice laced with dishwashing liquid could make this movie any better.

I fell asleep now and then but even sleep could not hold me in it's peacful arm's for long before blasted "Across the universe" bellowed yet another Beatles song and had me in it's evil clutches again.

Go on, hire it. Satisfy your curiosity, but I warn you, your dreams will be a little too weird afterwards.


  1. I love the beatles, what could possibly be wrong with it!

  2. Watch it, Jarrod! It's terrible. It's like taking a Lady Gaga cd and making a movie to fit in with the songs. It was awful! Awful!!
